Ablexperience - Able Training | Course Outlines
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Course Outlines


COURSE OUTLINE                                                    

This course is a new initiative designed for those who support those who suffer from the impact of memory impairment. Cognitive memory impairment can have an impact affecting relationships, education, employment and emotion.

Relationships – families may harbour misconceptions becoming totally isolated for fear of public reaction. Understanding should form a prominent part of the treatment programme with provision of accurate information and support.

Education – memory disturbances affect language related skills, teachers and parent expectations and misconceptions can sometimes cause absence from school, low self-esteem and anxiety due to stress.

Employment – feelings of low self-identity and worth cam make paid employment become increasingly unobtainable.

Emotion – coping psychologically varies considerably and interventions aimed at encouraging adaptive coping strategies can help reduce anxiety and depression and promote positive lifestyle changes.

This course involves participants in identifying and maximizing  the strengths of the memory capacity that they have and developing a personal action plan to get the most out of it.


COURSE OUTLINE                                                    

This course attempts to provide practice guidance for those working with homeless people in a variety of settings. It is led by Dr Phil Robinson and draws heavily on his book, ‘Working with Young Homeless People’, published by Jessica Kingsley, in 2008. It utilises the views and insights of young homeless people themselves, gathered through a small-scale research project sponsored by Quarriers, the Scottish social care charity, woven together with a distillation of the experience of the author and many of his colleagues in these services from the professional viewpoint. It is hoped that the course will prove illuminating for all who wish to learn more about the largely hidden world of youth homelessness and what can be done about it.


This course addresses the following issues:


  • What do we mean by homelessness?
    • Who are ‘homeless people’ and how does their situation differ from other groups


  • Aspirations and Barriers
    • Findings on aspirations re education, training, employment, re-establishing family contacts etc., and the impact of these on self esteem – the importance of positive role models – previous negative experiences of education – the  impact of the benefits system – facilities for study – the effects of trauma – how can we help to build self esteem – learning skills and support for learning – the right to follow your own path.
    • What can we do to help people who have been homeless to overcome these barriers?
  • Social Networks
    • How much do we know about the effects of homelessness on an individual’s social networks and how will their experience impact on their functioning?
    • Findings about homeless people’s family contact – the dangers of negative stereotypes, alongside the importance of rational risk assessment – the value of promoting positive contact – the danger of reinforcing negative feelings – the potential benefit of supportive contacts for people who lack positive family.
    • Findings about the social relationships of homeless people. The stigma involved in the experience of homelessness and its’ impact. The pros and cons of peer group support.
    • What can we do to help homeless people develop and maintain positive social relationships?


  • Housing & Support
    • The mismatch between aspirations and supply – the impact of excessive stays in transitional accommodation – the need for support to enable people to maintain a tenancy long-term – the need for continuing support, independent of accommodation –  people who need more than peripatetic services can provide – the need for user involvement in planning services.
    • What kind of support can we provide, both before and after people are given a tenancy, to maximise their chances of retaining it long term? How should that support be delivered.


  • Behavioural Issues
    • The prevailing nature of relationships between staff and users in services. What should they be like? What challenges require to be overcome in achieving this?